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Welcome on sunriseagriland!

Dr. Atul Gupta

Ms Monika Gupta


Ms Monika Gupta is the auspicious director of 'SUNRISE AGRILAND DEVELOPMENT & RESEARCH PVT LTD'. She has been at the company since its inception, and she helped it grow from a small operation to a large, successful company in just a few years. As director of Sunrise Company, Monika is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our operations and ensuring they run smoothly.

She pertains significant understanding with an established track record of conceiving and accomplishing Agriculture based drives via entrepreneurial craftworks in a competitive fashion along with a solid network base and domain visibility with notable partners & distinctive stakeholders. She retains a proven track record in mustering monetary aid. She owns exemplary leadership knacks and incredible mastery in concocting and piloting high-performance teams & coalitions with a one-dimensional pursuit of Farmer's empowerment.